
CamSplitter, webcam avatar, share the webcam, and use webcam simultaneouslyCamSplitter – Split your PC webcam!

When we use PC webcams, we often encounter situations where the camera is occupied. This is because the physical webcam is designed to be used only by one application at the same time.

Is there a way to make the webcam can be used by multiple applications simultaneously?

CamSplitter is designed to solve this problem. It allows multiple applications to use your physical webcam at the same time.

It’s lightweight and stable, takes up very little resources, and can easily help you reuse the webcam!

In addition to personal use, it can also be perfectly combined with enterprise products, allowing your products to use PC webcams at the same time without causing interference to users.

Download and have a free try now!

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Download: x64, x86 |Version: 2.1.4| Windows 7 / 8 / 10 / 11


Setting up CamSplitter is very simple – just open the software and play the webcam you want to split and you’re ready to go! Select the camera named “CamSplitter” in other applications to use it.

During playback, you can use the video format button to set the current camera’s video format (including video size, frame rate, etc.), and CamSplitter camera will also use the same format as output. You can also use this button to control camera settings such as zoom, pan, aperture, and more if supported by the camera.

By default, it will run automatically when the system starts, and will select the camera last played to play automatically – making that camera reusable.

  • If the camera is occupied by other applications , it will wait until it can play the camera;
  • If the camera is not connected, it will wait forever and automatically play after plugging in.

It uses a Microsoft-certified camera driver, which can be used in all applications that use webcam, including Windows Store applications.

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  • Small and compact, with small resource usage;
  • Horizontal mirror, vertical flip, 90° rotation and resize method settings;
  • Zoom and Pan support;
  • In addition to cameras, it can also play video files;
  • Support command line parameters and shortcut keys;
  • Support multiple instances – can reuse multiple cameras at the same time;
  • Strong compatibility, support all applications that use webcam;
  • Not only for personal use, but also for perfect combination with enterprise products.

Trial Limitations

There is a “TRIAL” watermark in the middle of the output video of the trial version, which can be removed by purchasing and registering the software.

If you have any usage problems or business cooperation, please contact us, thanks.